The on-farm nutrient use efficiency research project is now underway with sites established in Gympie and on the Atherton Tablelands.
The Queensland Dairyfarmers' Organisation has partnered with the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and James Cook University (JCU) to assess the efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilisers using state of the art technology to measure losses from leaching, runoff and gaseous emissions.
This research will answer some critical questions about the movement of nutrients used on dairy pastures, particularly nitrogen fertiliser. The project will quantify the amount of phosphorus and nitrogen lost under intensive irrigated dairy farming systems.
The research will also determine whether a slow-release form of urea treated with a nitrification inhibitor can improve production and reduce nitrogen losses. A cost-benefit analysis on the practice will show if the treatment has potential to help dairy farmers become more profitable and sustainable in the future.
The project is part of the Dairying Better 'n Better program which is a partnership between Queensland Dairyfarmers' Organsiation and Subtropical Dairy. Funding is provided by the Reef Rescue Program, and Incitec Pivot Fertilisers Limited.
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